Awakening to the Interconnectedness of Life
SGI-USA Living Buddhism August 2020 p. 13 The pathology of divisiveness drives people to an unreasoning attachment to difference and blinds them to human commonalities. This is not limited to individuals but constitutes the deep psychology of collective egoism, which…
Striving to Realize the Buddha’s Wish and Intent
Opening the Path To Attaining Buddhahood in an Evil Age It is important that we actively engage in the challenge of guiding those around us to happiness. Without that struggle, any ambition of achieving happiness for all humanity is meaningless. A religion is…
The Problem to Be Pondered Night and Day
Soka Gakkai Nichiren Buddhism Library The second volume of the Lotus Sutra of the Wonderful Law states: “If a person fails to have faith but instead slanders this sutra . . . or on seeing those who read, recite, copy, and uphold this sutra, should despise, hate,…
The Real Aspect of the Gohonzon
[Nichiren] Daishonin tells us plainly that the Gohonzon has infinite power. The only question is whether or not we believe him. I have received your offerings to the Gohonzon of five thousand coins, one horseload of polished rice, and fruit. To begin…
Good Fortune
The One Essential Phrase For you to inquire about the Lotus Sutra and ask its meaning is a rare source of good fortune. In this age of the Latter Day of the Law, those who ask about the meaning of even one phrase…
A Diligent Practice
“If in a single moment of life we exert millions of kalpas [1] of effort, then instant after instant there will arise in us the three Buddha bodies with which we are eternally endowed. [Chanting] Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is just such a…
Changing Karma Into Mission
Sometimes the only thing we can do is chant. Sometimes the best thing we can do for ourselves is to chant. What does Changing Karma Into Mission mean? We encounter various kinds of sufferings and hardships in life. Some of…
DePaul Honors SGI President Ikeda
The country’s largest Catholic university confers an honorary doctorate on the SGI president. TOKYO, Dec. 28, 2016— In a dignified ceremony, DePaul University, the country’s largest Catholic university, conferred an Honorary Doctorate of Humane Letters upon SGI President Ikeda for his prolific career in education and peacekeeping, referring…
On Attaining Buddhahood In This Lifetime
If you wish to free yourself from the sufferings of birth and death you have endured since time without beginning and to attain without fail unsurpassed enlightenment in this lifetime, you must perceive the mystic truth that is originally inherent in all living beings.…
The Poor Woman’s Lamp
The Buddha, being truly worthy of respect, never judges by the size of one’s offerings. In the past, the boy Virtue Victorious offered a mud pie to the Buddha, and was reborn as King Ashoka and ruled over all of Jambudvīpa. A poor woman cut off her…