Human Rights in the 21st Century
July 1, 2021 Living Buddhism AUSTREGÉSILO DE ATHAYDE AND DAISAKU IKEDA When we live in harmony with others, accept coexistence with even those in opposition and understand each other, we can realize the great community indicated by the Universal Declaration.…
Making Our Dreams A Reality In Uncertain Times
World Tribune June 2021 Tariq Hasan was a Ph.D. student and chapter young men’s leader when he faced dissertation writer’s block in the midst of living hand to mouth with his wife and two small children. He was about to quit…
The People Are Sovereign
Who are the most respectworthy of all? It is those who are working for the happiness of others; those who are firmly dedicated to truth and justice. THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS was given at a nationwide executive leaders conference held at…
Hope Is Within You
Hope is within us World Tribune June 11, 2021 p. 2 Where can we find hope?” When I was 19, I was earnestly seeking an answer to this question. After World War II ended, Japan was in great turmoil, and…
The Four Virtues and the Four Debts of Gratitude
When the Buddhas of the three existences of past, present, and future appear in the world, they all, all preach the importance of repaying the four debts of gratitude. And the worthy men of antiquity, the Three Sovereigns, the Five Emperors, Confucius, Lao Tzu, Yen Hui,1 and the…
Recognizing Negative Influences
Those who attempt to obstruct one’s Buddhist practice are known as “negative influences.” Since this is so, believers in the Lotus Sutra should fear those who attempt to obstruct their practice more than they fear bandits, burglars, night raiders, tigers,…
Reply to Kyo’o
Just when I was longing to hear from you once again, the messenger whom you took the trouble to send arrived. In my present circumstances, your gift of money is far more valuable than any treasure to be found on land or…
Gratitude Is A Source of Fundamental Strength
When we face difficulties, thinking of all those who have helped us in some way can rouse in our hearts a renewed fighting spirit. Gratitude is the source of fundamental human strength. (The Teachings for Victory, vol. 3, p. 100).…
Chanting Makes Us Unbeatable
Chanting Makes Us Unbeatable When we chant Nam Myoho Renge Kyo to the Gohonzon, the sound of the Mystic Law reaches the realm of Buddhahood in the universe as well as the Buddha nature within us, unlocking its innate compassion,…
True Freedom
To be sure, true freedom in Buddhism means having a free and unrestrained state of life that no obstacle can destroy. Nichiren Daishonin spread his teaching of universal enlightenment amid relentless persecutions by the ruling authorities of feudal Japan. Yet he…