On Attaining Buddhahood In This Lifetime
If you wish to free yourself from the sufferings of birth and death you have endured since time without beginning and to attain without fail unsurpassed enlightenment in this lifetime, you must perceive the mystic truth that is originally inherent in all living beings.…
The Poor Woman’s Lamp
The Buddha, being truly worthy of respect, never judges by the size of one’s offerings. In the past, the boy Virtue Victorious offered a mud pie to the Buddha, and was reborn as King Ashoka and ruled over all of Jambudvīpa. A poor woman cut off her…
The Qualities of A Global Citizen
Global citizenship starts with our inner transformation. Global citizenship is a movement dedicated to encouraging people to become aware of their own boundless inner power and to take responsibility for the welfare of humankind. Daisaku Ikeda outlines the essential qualities…
Challenging “Unbalanced Religious Archetypes”
Transforming Tendencies That Block Our Happiness World Tribune Sept 18, 2020 p. 11 Seeking salvation through an external, absolute being. Leaves people feeling powerless and condemned to suffer in their present life, giving rise to growing pessimism in society. The…
Each religion can be made a force for good or for evil by the people who practice it. A Buddha is not one who sits quietly in a remote world of enlightenment. A Buddha is one who never ceases to…
A Single Moment of Life
“Chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is just such a ‘diligent’ practice.” This is a very profound statement. “Diligent” (or shojin in Japanese) here is composed of two Chinese characters. The Chinese character for sho means “pure” and refers to pure faith, while the character for jin means “ceaseless” and…
Two But Not Two
Oneness” and “connectedness” are themes that define Buddhism and Eastern thought for many Westerners.
Kill The Will To Kill
The following is an excerpt from “The Age of Soft Power,” SGI President Ikeda’s address on Sept. 26, 1991, at Harvard University in Cambridge, Mass. The full text appears in My Dear Friends in America, second edition, pp. 122−31. One…
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Buddhism regards all colors, all fragrances, all inanimate and living things—birds, beasts, humans, and flowers, every blade of grass and tree—all the varied and beautiful phenomena in the universe without exception, as manifestations of the Buddha nature. Words of Wisdom:…