True Freedom
To be sure, true freedom in Buddhism means having a free and unrestrained state of life that no obstacle can destroy. Nichiren Daishonin spread his teaching of universal enlightenment amid relentless persecutions by the ruling authorities of feudal Japan. Yet he…
On the Buddha’s Prophecy
State of Mind
[1] Dr. Lawrence E. Carter, dean of Morehouse College’s Martin Luther King Jr. International Chapel, inherited the spirit of [Martin Luther King, Jr. and Benjamin E. Mays] and is also a member of Soka University of America’s Board of Trustees.…
Each of Us Is a Protagonist
Challenging “Unbalanced Religious Archetypes”
Transforming Tendencies That Block Our Happiness World Tribune Sept 18, 2020 p. 11 Seeking salvation through an external, absolute being. Leaves people feeling powerless and condemned to suffer in their present life, giving rise to growing pessimism in society. The…
A Single Moment of Life
“Chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is just such a ‘diligent’ practice.” This is a very profound statement. “Diligent” (or shojin in Japanese) here is composed of two Chinese characters. The Chinese character for sho means “pure” and refers to pure faith, while the character for jin means “ceaseless” and…
The Real Aspect of the Gohonzon
A woman who makes offerings to such a Gohonzon invites happiness in this life, and in the next, the Gohonzon will be with her and protect her always. Like a lantern in the dark, like a strong guide and porter on a treacherous mountain path, the Gohonzon will guard and protect you,…
A coward cannot have any of their prayers answered.